
STR's commitment to quality is validated by our ISO 9001:2008 certification, which demands establishment of a quality management system for our business practices. This certification demonstrates that our quality management system is:

  • Documented
  • Supported and maintained
  • Executed with continuous improvements

The 9001:2008 standard emphasizes customer satisfaction as a required measurement for both our services and products to make sure we continually meet and fulfill customer needs.

Audits are conducted annually by quality management and externally by certified third party agencies to ensure compliance.These audits include documentation and corrective action but also encompass customer and internal communications.

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We are the best

 In today's fast paced high-tech device market, the success of  your business depends on three factors: Reliability. Speed. Price.

  At STR, we take pride in offering you the highest in the first two categories - at the lowest in the last.