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The operational benefits associated with the new computed radiography inspection regime included:

•Shorter exposure times and higher efficiency, leading to more inspections per shift and less downtime.

•Fewer retakes because of the wide dynamic range and high signal-noise ratio of the CRXFlex system, 

which allows a broad range of thicknesses to be inspected in a single exposure.

•The ability to use hard or soft flexible cassettes, providing versatility and allowing simultaneous 

scanning of smaller plates, greatly reducing inspection times.

•Extremely sharp images through the application of GE’s Flash! Filters, which offer one-click access to 

objective data interpretation, leading to earlier and increased probability of detection.

•The ability to review, report archive and share inspection data through GE’s Rhythm software, allowing 

rapid and/or remote comparison of data from previous inspections.

•The space-saving afforded by the table-top CRXFlex scanner.

•The elimination of costs associated with consumable and chemical waste disposal, setting up darkrooms 

and film storage associated with conventional film radiography.

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