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Using the STR system adds up to reduced inspection times and increased productivity.

•Faster inspections: The machine operates at a greater inspection speed and with a larger envelope of opportunity than other machines. This allows more parts to be simultaneously set up for a batch scan process. Previously, only one part at a time could be setup in other machines.

•Fewer machines, and associated capital and maintenance costs. The robotic system allows parts to be inspected by fewer machines, reducing the capital investments and maintenance associated with more machines.

•Reduced number of scans: Larger parts can be inspected in one scan, as opposed to segmented scans requiring multiple setups.

•Increased flexibility: A larger variety of parts can be inspected on one machine. Previously, separate machines were required for different parts. In addition, other tools can be added to the HydraStar system to provide additional flexibility.

•Faster machine delivery time utilizing the robotic platform as opposed to custom designed and fabricated components.

•Cost-effective programming utilizing the robotic system as the drive platform with a primary and follower system.

•Capability to expand the programming parameters to include complex parts

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We are the best

 In today's fast paced high-tech device market, the success of  your business depends on three factors: Reliability. Speed. Price.

  At STR, we take pride in offering you the highest in the first two categories - at the lowest in the last.